Apparently this is the new thing, stand up paddle surfing... or SUP-ing. (or more like "old thing resurfacing and is now all the rage" I guess)
The sport is suppose to be a ton of fun as well as an amazing strength building exercise for core body muscles ...and Austin's Lady Bird Lake (formerly Town Lake) is an excellent place to partake in the growing trend. I am trying to find a place in Austin to rent a board and take lessons - but haven't had any luck yet. Leave a comment if you know of a place or someone!
Thanks to Mike Baird on flickr.com for the pic. Note, the pic was unfortunately not taken on Lady Bird Lake... I couldn't find a good pic of someone SUPing on LBL. If you have one, send it to me!
Hey there,
I just read your blog for the first time and saw your SUP post. I have been SUPing for about three years now and you're right Lady Bird Lake is a great spot to learn. I'm currently giving lessons if you'd like to give it a try. The website isn't up yet but we have an info page at hillcountrysurf.com, that has contact info on it. Give me a call and we'll set something up.
Website is up now, hillcountrysurf.com
the rowing dock has one for rental now. Come on out. Lady Bird is perfect for suping.
Check out www.talkingfishsurfboards.com. I'm building beautiful wood and epoxy SUPs and paddles.
Hi, I'm making beautiful wood and epoxy SUPs here in Austin. www.talkingfishsurfboards.com
Hi, I'm making beautiful wood and epoxy SUPs here in Austin. www.talkingfishsurfboards.com
I also have good pics.
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