
New Year, New To-Do List

I am a chronic list maker and as if I need yet another list of things to-do in my life... here 'tis for 2009:

1. Embrace my toddler's vivid imagination and lack of self discipline before they're gone
2. Ramp up my marketing efforts for real estate (sorry mailing list friends and trees)
3. Read more fiction (currently have a stack of non-fiction on my night stand)
4. Run a half marathon
5. Fill the blank pages of my 2nd born child's scrapbook
6. Eat more vegetables
7. Speak French with my kids
8. Drink less wine "with dinner"

Unfortunately, I don't think my heart is really into #6 or #8, but I need to at least put them down there because I know I need to work on them.

Well -- off to devise more new and inventive ways to pester my client database. Gary Keller (author of Millionare Agent & founder of Keller Williams Realty) calls these points of contact "touches" which sounds much nicer.

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